Lowongan Kerja Reindo - PT Reinsuransi Internasional Indonesia (PT ReINDO ) was established on 12 November 1996 based on notarial deed Muhani Salim, SH No. 177 dated 12 November 1996 and approved by the Ministry of Justice through the Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. C2 - 10869.HT.01.01.TH 1996 . Reinsurance business license is obtained from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia by virtue of Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 710/KMK.017/1996 . ReINDO officially started its operations on January 1, 1997 with office locations in Jalan Salemba Raya No. 30, Jakarta Pusat .
The company runs in reinsurance business that produce high-quality services and strong competitive advantage and gain or pursue to increase the value of the company by applying the principles of limited liability . Types of reinsurance provided by ReINDO , covering General Reinsurance, Life Reinsurance and Sharia Reinsurance with class of business for each types as follows :
General Reinsurance Business ( Conventional and Sharia ) :
- Ordinary Life and Rider
- Health Insurance / cash Plan
- Personal Accident
Life Reinsurance Business ( Conventional and Sharia ) :
- Marine Cargo
- Marine Hull
- Aviation
- Fire and Allied Perils
- Loss of Profit
- Engineering
- Motor
- Personal Accident
- Bonds
- various
PT . ReINDO established with an authorized capital of Rp 250 billion and paid up capital of Rp 62.5 billion . In an effort to make the company stronger in the capital and to meet regulatory requirements , The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders have been several times gaves approval for an increase in paid-in capital through the capitalization of general reserved . At December 31, 2012 the position of the authorized capital of the company became Rp . 1 trillion with a paid up capital of Rp 300 billion. Along with economic growth in Indonesia , ReINDO also experienced significant business growth from year to year and in 2004 , ReINDO expand its business by establishing sharia units.
Sharia Division established in 2004 by decision of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on January 19, 2004 , which has been stated in the minutes of the deed of Muhani Salim , SH number 21 date of 27 February 2004 and has been reported to and approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights on the the Ministerial Decree No. Ham . C.06472.HT.01.04.TH2004 dated March 16, 2004 and Sharia Business lisence issued by the Ministry of Finance through the Minister of Finance Decree Number. 214/KM.6/2004 dated June 4, 2004 . Sharia division was established with an initial capital of Rp . 10 billion . At December 31, 2012 the position of the paid up capital of Sharia Division has increased to Rp . 75 billion, with total assets of Rp . 297 billion and Equity amounted to Rp.202 billion . Source:www.reindo.co.id
Contact Reindo
JL Salemba Raya No 30 Jakarta Pusat 10430
Telp : 62-21 3920101,334208 Fax : 62-21 3143828
E-mail : cosecretary@reindo.co.id
www.reindo.co.id |
Seiring dengan perkembangannya perusahaan, PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang enerjik, berwawasan luas dan pantang menyerah serta menyukai tantangan.
Untuk itu PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia mengundang para profesional muda untuk bisa berkarya bersama kami guna menduduki posisi jabatan sebagai berikut :
Untuk itu PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia mengundang para profesional muda untuk bisa berkarya bersama kami guna menduduki posisi jabatan sebagai berikut :
Medical Advisor Staff/Claim Analyst Staff
Job Description
Job Description
- Ditempatkan sebagai Medical Advisor Staff/Claim Analyst Staff
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (minimal Word dan Excel)
- Memiliki inisiatif, kreatif dan mampu bekerjasama dalam Team
- Memiliki keinginan belajar untuk maju
- Mau bekerja keras
- Usia maksimum 26 tahun
- Pendidikan minimum S1 Fakultas Kedokteran
- Diutamakan memiliki pengetahuan Asuransi
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Diutamakan bahasa Inggris Aktif
- Honor per bulan minimal sesuai UMP, Jamsostek dan Asuransi Kesehatan
Prosedur Pendaftaran :
Bagi para jobseeker yang tertarik untuk bergabung dan memenuhi persyaratan Lowongan Kerja BUMN Reindo - PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia, segera melakukan registrasi secara online melalui laman resmi jobscreet berikut -->> Apply, Pendaftaran akan kami buka hingga tanggal 19 Februari 2016 mendatang. Hanya kandidat terbaiklah yang akan kami panggil selanjutnya. Terimakasih.